Friday, February 8, 2013

2JZ Hypertune BP

2JZ Hypertune BP
car photo comparison
That's a 5c (Australian) coin in the photo for comparison.

Tobagonian Bus-Waitian
car photo comparison
Image by Gary Bridgman
Digital photo of a 35mm trans taken of a C print (gurgling up your optic nerve) of a woman waiting on a bus (or selling used shoes) in Scarborough, Tobago (Trinidad & Tobabo), West Indies, 1990. I shot the image from a moving car from approx 12 meters. I can't remember if I was driving or not (the right-side driver position in T&T's cars has scrambled my spatial memory on this point) This particular transparency will be mounted in one of my shot-up roadsign photographic sculptures, behind a big buckshot hole. A proper scan of this image is coming.

It will be used in one of my shot-up roadsign photographic sculptures

When I was living near Oxford, Mississippi, in 1999, I began making "wall sconces" out of damaged highway signs that the local Mississippi Department of Transportation field station had consigned to its recycle pile.

Some signs that I acquire already have bullet holes, but most of these holes have been rendered by my grandfather's Ithaca 12 ga. shotgun, using .000 buckshot, and occasionally 9mm or .45 rounds depending on what kind of heat my little helpers are packing.

I often cut lines into the sign, connecting the holes. This dates back to my original idea of building a planetarium projector out of shot-up signs and displaying new constellations designed by rednecks. The lines make them look like constellation charts.

Once I shoot and cut a sign, I build a low-tech light box on the back of it and mount 35 mm slides (frames removed) on the white plastic surface. Each fragment of film is lined up behind a bullet/pellet hole.

The whole contraption is framed out in scrap lumber or with more of the white Lucite sheets, deep enough to wire it with a couple of compact fluorescent bulbs. i tried rope light and it sucks mostly, not that ropelight's inventor gives a rat's ass about this particular application.

The conceptual corner that I had painted myself into at one point was the lack of a photographic technique that matched this setting.

"What's the point of inventing a new language when you don't have anything to say?" I asked myself, you know, rhetorically (does that mean "in the mirror with a two-beer buzz-on")

I wanted to get inside the heads of the sign-shooters, find out what they were trying to prove, and then prove the same thing with a camera. It finally occurred to me that they weren't saying anything. They just like to blast the shit out of stuff while they're driving. Wouldn't you?

So my breaktrough came when a friend showed me the DVD of Masaki Kobayashi's 1964 film, Kwaidan. [I know this is beginning to sound like I'm showing out and putting on airs, but it's actually pretty common for people in West Tennessee to have DVD players these days.]

One of the characters was a Samurai, practicing the martial art of Yabusame, or mounted archery [search for that tag and you'll see what I mean]. So while I was watching this guy shoot arrows at a square cedar block while riding at a full gallop, I realized that the Southern pastime of shooting road-signs from a moving vehicle is basically the same sport.

While purists from both camps would protest any comparisons, both sports involve steering with your legs, drinking rice-based beverages (saki and Busch Light), careful marksmanship and a lot of ancestor worship.

So now I shoot most of my photographs from the saddle of my Japanese pickup truck, often through the rear and side mirrors.

HOMELAND SECURITY ...item 3.. FSU - Emails show support for Stand Your Ground (May 31, 2012) ...item 4.. Bradley offers several names when arrested (Jun 21, 2012) ...
car photo comparison
Image by marsmet471
Citizens have the right to protect their families and property against the rabble that exists in this country today," Hartshorn wrote.

.......***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ......

Bradley and a companion, Andria Michelle Kerchner, 20, stand accused of murder in the March 6 shooting of Pill, 52. Pill was shot five times after stopping a vehicle connected to a robbery at a nearby motel.

The suspect vehicle, a white Ford Explorer SUV, fled the scene leaving Pill dying on the street.
.....item 1)... marsmet47 photostream ... img code photo ... SECURITY FORCES SNIPERS

Mosin Nagant sniper rifle....item 4..Woody Guthrie - Miss Pavlichenko,...credited with 309 kills.....item 8..Snipers,battle of Stalingrad-Rifle comparison....
.....item 2)... marsmet47 photostream .... Page 3 ...

>>> Lynyrd skynyrd.....item 9..Saturday Night Special-1976.....item 19..Red White and Blue, Military Tribute.....item 20..None Of Us Are Free! .....item 31..Don't Ask Me No Ques tions / Sweet Home Alabama -1974......

>>>Fairest .....item 1..P!nk .....item 18..Pink - I don't believe you (lyrics) .....item 24..Pink - "Sober".....item 28..How to Neutralize Mean Girls ...

>>>William Martin "Billy" Joel .....item 14..A Matter Of Trust .....item 20..You're Only Human (Second Wind) .....item 3A/B..We Didn't Start The Fire.....item 26..I Go To Extremes.....item 29..Only The Good Die Young.....item 34..Back In The USSR...

>>>Johhny Cash..The Man in Black .....item 2)..I Walk the Line .....item 1)..Hurt .....item 3)..Ring of Fire ...

>>>toby keith.....item 34..The Big Dog Daddy (CBS News).....item 31..Whiskey Girl......item 6..Who's That Man.....item 4..Get Drunk And Be Somebody......item 24..God Love Her.....item 29..Country Comes To Town..

>>>carly simon.....item 3..You're So Vain....item 4..You belong to me............

>>>the great motivator..gun posters.....item 7..Full Metal Jacket - Motivational Speech.....item 8..Braveheart - The Famous Speech from William Wallace....
.....item 3).... FSU ... FSU ... ... Emails show support for Stand Your Ground

Paul Flemming
Capital Ideas


May. 31, 2012

Proponents of Florida's Stand Your Ground law aren't going to be outgunned.

If emails submitted to the group reviewing Florida's Stand Your Ground law are any indication, public testimony will heavily favor the controversial statute that provides immunity from prosecution for anyone who uses deadly force in response to threats of great bodily harm or death.

photo img code ...

Paul Flemming


Emails posted on a public website that are on point and express an opinion run 34-2 in staunch favor of the law.

Gov. Rick Scott formed his Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection in response to the outcry that followed the death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old shot to death by George Zimmerman in February.

Zimmerman was not immediately charged in Martin's death, in part because of the Sanford Police Department's reading of the state's 2005 law and Zimmerman's assertion that he shot Martin in self-defense.

On April 11, Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder, and Scott named his task force. Now the group will meet for a full day June 12 at Longwood's Northland Church, less than seven miles from downtown Sanford. Public comment is scheduled for four hours, from 1-5 p.m., on a first-come, first-served basis. The Florida Channel will stream the meeting live at

Thomas Hartshorn, who identifies himself only as a voting, law-abiding citizen, frames Stand Your Ground as a bastion against criminals, and starts from the belief that the task force represents an effort to dilute it.

"This is an outrage to my 2nd Amendment rights. Governor Jeb Bush did us all a favor when this law was passed. Citizens have the right to protect their families and property against the rabble that exists in this country today," Hartshorn wrote.

Elmer Rowlands of Zephyrhills also thinks Scott's task force is a threat even before it begins.

"I have lived in Florida since 1966 and probably the best thing that has happened here in that time is the stand your ground law," Rowlands wrote. "It should remain as it is, unchanged. Gov. Scott caved in to the national media debacle. At this point it is hypothetical that Zimmerman will even use that as his defense. Anyone who listens to the news about the bad guys every day knows it is a good law."

Rowlands makes a solid point on presumptions that the Zimmerman case is about Stand Your Ground. We won't know that until the trial begins. In her virtuoso performance while announcing the charges against Zimmerman, State Attorney Angela Corey explained that her team of prosecutors would respond to defense arguments relying on Stand Your Ground as it would any other affirmative defense.

Misinterpretation is not exclusive to Stand Your Ground opponents with assertions that the task force aims to change the law.

They didn't get that idea from Marion Hammer.

Hammer, executive director of Unified Sportsmen of Florida, past president of the National Rifle Association and chief proponent of the law as it made its way through the Legislature in 2005, sent out an email alert to USF and NRA members on April 24. "Protect Your Right To Refuse To Be A Victim" reads a headline on the email.

Hammer writes that Scott appointed the task force to present facts about the law.

"In the face of outrageous misinterpretations of the law by the anti-gun, anti-self defense Brady Campaign's reckless henchmen, and politically motivated anti-gun legislators and politicians, Governor Rick Scott has appointed the Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection to actually review the law and bring the truth to light," Hammer wrote.

It is undoubtedly Hammer's email that has prompted the comments to the task force, and the fever pitch of her rhetoric aside, she rightly characterizes the group's stated intent. The responses from NRA members also show a refreshing lack of cut-and-paste uniformity. Proponents of Stand Your Ground may share the same sentiments, but they come up with their own words to do so.

They may all reflexively shoot from the rhetorical and political hip, but they're doing so from their own hips.

— Paul Flemming is the policy and politics editor for the Tallahassee Democrat and Contact him at, 850-671-6550 or follow him on Twitter at @PaulFlemming.
.....item 4).... Florida Today ... ...

Shooting suspect's aliases confound authorities

Bradley offers several names when arrested

11:44 PM, Jun 21, 2012

img code photo ... Brandon Bradley

Brandon Bradley, a suspect in the shooting of Sheriffs Deputy Barbara Pill, is walked to a waiting patrol car for the trip to the county jail. / Craig Bailey, FLORIDA TODAY


Written by
Stacey Barchenger

Local News|topnews|text|Home

Minutes after a man allegedly shot and killed Brevard County Sheriff’s Deputy Barbara Pill, he gave police officers who were taking him into custody a false name: Joseph Green.

Police say the man was Brandon Lee Bradley, who records show has used at least four different names in repeat interactions with law enforcement and during criminal activity. Bradley’s surname even appears in different forms — sometimes as Brantley — on his birth certificate and Social Security card, among other legal documents.

Suspects giving false information is not uncommon in arrests and raises significant challenges for police, according to University of West Florida criminal justice professor and 30-year law enforcement veteran Richard M. Hough.

“It’s a widespread problem when people for various minor or serious reasons try to fool law enforcement about who they are,” Hough said. Technology, such as mobile fingerprint scanners and in-car computers, and police training have significantly helped to curb the cases when suspects successfully dupe police.

Bradley’s use of multiple names has posed a problem for law enforcement, and his multiple aliases are addressed in part of Brevard Sheriff’s Agent Don Reynolds’ report on Bradley’s arrest following the shooting of the deputy.

Bradley and a companion, Andria Michelle Kerchner, 20, stand accused of murder in the March 6 shooting of Pill, 52. Pill was shot five times after stopping a vehicle connected to a robbery at a nearby motel. The suspect vehicle, a white Ford Explorer SUV, fled the scene leaving Pill dying on the street.

Police chased the truck until it crashed into a ditch on Parkway Drive near Turtle Mound Road and arrested two people inside.

As police arrested the driver, Bradley, he “reportedly initially identified himself as ‘Joseph Green,’ ” with a birth date of Aug. 8, 1988, Reynolds’ report reads. The 119-page report was among new records released Wednesday in the case.

The report cautions that Bradley has multiple aliases, including two different surnames on vital records. Even Bradley’s suspended Florida driver’s license has last names Bradley and Brantley, Reynolds writes.

Contact Barchenger at 321-242-3669, or follow at

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On the front, the license reads “’Brandon Lee Bradley,’ however, within the signature block the name is signed ‘Brandon Brantley,’” the report says.

One day after Pill’s death, police interviewed Bradley’s mother, Tiffany Taylor. She said her son’s true last name is Brantley, as it appears on his Social Security card. But she also said it was different on his birth certificate.

“Mrs. Taylor continued to advise Brandon’s birth certificate was messed up at birth, and she never went and got it amended,” Reynolds’ report reads.

Reynolds chose to use the name Bradley in his report because it is the name that appears on the man’s birth certificate.

Why Bradley gave the name Joseph Green to police on the March 6 arrest is not addressed in the report, nor is it clear if Green is a real person.

In late September, Bradley was arrested on drug charges in a Melbourne police case. He identified himself as his brother, Keith Nelson, a man with no criminal history, and was taken to Brevard County jail.

After making an initial court appearance still under the false name, and telling a judge he’d never been in trouble before, Bradley posted bond and was released. Jail officials hadn’t confirmed his identity or discovered three active violation of probation warrants. The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office is reviewing the release.

In media reports following Pill’s shooting, Bradley’s mother blamed jail officials for letting her son out of custody under the false name.

Pill’s widower, Steve Pill, has said he places no fault on law enforcement in Bradley’s release .

“The takeaway is, he knows he’s doing a bunch of bad stuff and he doesn’t want to get caught,” Hough said. “He doesn’t mind using apparently any method to avoid getting caught.”

Contact Barchenger at 321-242-3669, or follow at

Kissin' cars
car photo comparison
Image by cizauskas
The evening before Hurricane Sandy would arrive, the cars were parked, out from under the trees.

The next day, Northern Virginia would remain relatively unscathed by the storm, at least in comparison with Ocean City, Virginia, New York City, and the Jersey shore.

30 October 2012

Photo by Yours For Good
— Follow on Twitter @Cizauskas.
— Follow on Facebook.
Commercial use requires explicit permission, as per Creative Commons.

Snow against wall
car photo comparison
Image by sarae
In comparison, with no snow:

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