Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nice Car Photo S photos

Pontiac Solstice GXP
car photo s
Image by jasonb42882

View from the carset
car photo s
Image by Stv.
Liam was playing with my phone on the way up to Whistler. There's about 100 variations of this shot....

New Car
car photo s
Image by K.G.Photos
I havent taken a HDR of a car before. Or even a photo. So I had no idea what to do. It turned out ok. There's a few things I should have done to it but I didn't think of it at the time.

-2,0,+2 RAW

Photomatix (Merge & Tone Mapping)

Topaz Adjust

Topaz Detail

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My Boyhood Toy Cars
car photo s
Image by Noel C. Hankamer
I played with these little tin cars as a boy many years ago. I have kept them on a shelf for years.I retreaded the photo for Monday Challenge and Thursday Retread.
Here is the rather plain original-

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