Friday, January 11, 2013

Cable way Table mountain cable car in parallel and cross eye 3D

Cable way Table mountain cable car in parallel and cross eye 3D
cable car photo
Image by 3dstereopics
These are "Triplet" 3D pictures, Left + Centre picture are for parallel viewing Right + Centre picture are for cross eyed viewing.
If you can see "Magic Eye" (stereogram) pictures, you can see these in 3D, use the same technique to look at the left and center pictures together, merge the two pictures and they will "Snap" into 3D.
This is called "parallel" viewing, however you are limited to the size you can view, much bigger than this size and it doesn't work.
The only way to see these at full size is with the "Cross eyed" technique, this takes practice and you need to go
"Cross eyed" and use your right eye to look at the center picture, and your left eye to look at the right hand picture.
I have the boring 2D version of this picture available on request.

Cable way Table mountain cable car in parallel and cross eye 3D
cable car photo
Image by 3dstereopics
These are "Triplet" 3D pictures, Left + Centre picture are for parallel viewing Right + Centre picture are for cross eyed viewing.
If you can see "Magic Eye" (stereogram) pictures, you can see these in 3D, use the same technique to look at the left and center pictures together, merge the two pictures and they will "Snap" into 3D.
This is called "parallel" viewing, however you are limited to the size you can view, much bigger than this size and it doesn't work.
The only way to see these at full size is with the "Cross eyed" technique, this takes practice and you need to go
"Cross eyed" and use your right eye to look at the center picture, and your left eye to look at the right hand picture.
I have the boring 2D version of this picture available on request.

White Sky Fast Car Red Light
cable car photo
Image by Andrew Morrell Photography
San Francisco high clouds with a zippy cable car. More at my daily photoblog PHOTO.NOISE.

Looking up from the cable car station
cable car photo
Image by Need A Haircut
this is the third longest cable car run in the world and rises 2568 feet in three minutes (gulp!) See next photo for view from the top

obligatory cable car photo
cable car photo
Image by jumpyjodes

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