Thursday, January 3, 2013

Nice Car Photo Editor photos

My photo of a Jaguar E-Type from Flickr being used on Gap clothing designs
car photo editor
Image by Chris Devers
I'm sure that The Gap has a totally awesome explanation for why this photo of mine, published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) license, is apparently being used on the Grey Pumice versions of the "Thermal body double" onesie (SKU #785589) and the 2-in-1 moto one-piece (SKU #785593) at

The two images are clearly related to each other.

I eagerly await the Gap's response.

I have various thoughts about what's going on here — for example, the mind-boggling idea that some unknown factory in southeast Asia somewhere is cranking out thousands of .95 tshirts with my photo on them on behalf of the Gap, and yet they never attempted to contact me about their use of my work — but I'm trying to keep most of my thoughts to myself until Gap has a chance to respond.

This has come up, after all, on a Sunday afternoon, and I doubt the people there I tried to contact about this will find out until Monday morning. So I'll give them a day or so to formulate a response and get things moving to get this rectified.

That said, I appreciate all the Tweets & Re-Tweets, the articles in Jezebel & others, the mentions in local media, the Facebook comments, etc. Keep 'em coming, by all means.

But I'm going to try to mostly hold my tongue & give them a fair chance to respond before I write much more.

Your turn, Gap.

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Addendum: By "your turn, Gap", I wasn't expecting anything like this.

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News sources & blogs that have picked this up so far, in no particular order:

Jezebel | Did The Gap Steal This Image From Flickr? (absolute tsunami of traffic from this one, thank you)
• A whole bunch of people are getting here from Reddit, apparently via Gap Pulls A Shepard Fairey and Gap Steals a Guy's Flickr Photo for Baby Gap Outfit, but mostly from their home page (!!).
This Week in Photo | TWiP #187 — Crowd-Funded Photography
You Thought We Wouldn't Notice | My photo of a Jaguar E-Type from Flickr being used on Gap clothing designs
Photography on the Net, Canon Digital Photography Forums | GAP Clothing company allegedly rips off Flickr member's photo
SFist | The Gap Rips Off Hobbyist's Flickr Photo for Baby-Sized T-Shirt (they don't really seem to do titles)
Reddit | Gap Steals a Guy's Flickr Photo for Baby Gap Outfit
PetaPixel | Gap Uses Flickr Photo for Clothing Graphic without Permission (very handy rollover illustration on this one, thank you!)
MediaBisto Unbeige | The Gap Accused of Stealing Flickr Photo, Reprinting Design on Shirt
Styleite | Did The Gap Steal This Car Photo From Flickr?
Styleite | Marka Hansen And The Trouble With Gap
A Photo Editor | Gap Pulls A Shepard Fairey
Lovelyish | Gap Steals Car Photo from Flickr
Geek | Gap accused of stealing Flickr photo for shirt designs
Small Aperture | Oh Gap, get it together!
Allston City Limits | Gone in 60 seconds (points for the original title on this one)
MakeupAlley | Horrible. Gap uses a Flickr users photo on tees without permission (chat board, need registration to see past comment titles)
Laughing Squid, and a whole bunch of other Tumblr users.
Secret Photo Nerds | -- (yet another registration-only discussion site, no idea what this is)
NU | Gap steelt afbeelding (Dutch; English translation: "Gap Steals Image")
Design Taxi | Did Gap Use Flickr Photo for Its Designs? (Is this a spam site? Bafflingly, the comments seem to be about something else entirely.)
Futomaki | Kolejny dzień, kolejna afera (Polish; English translation: "Another day, another scandal")
Panophoto | Gap utilise des images Flickr sans s'acquitter des droits (French forum; English translation: "Gap uses Flickr images without paying duties")

Thank you all.

Spirit of Ecstasy
car photo editor
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
The Spirit of Ecstasy is the name of the hood ornament on Rolls-Royce cars. It is in the form of a woman leaning forwards with her arms outstretched behind and above her. Billowing cloth runs from her arms to her back, resembling wings.

The Spirit of Ecstasy, also called "Emily", "Silver Lady" or "Flying Lady", was designed by Charles Robinson Sykes and carries with it a story about a secret passion between John Walter Edward Scott-Montagu, (second Lord Montagu of Beaulieu after 1905, a pioneer of the automobile movement, and editor of The Car magazine from 1902) and his secret love and the model for the emblem, Eleanor Velasco Thornton. Eleanor was John Walter's secretary, and their love was to remain hidden, limited to their circle of friends, for more than a decade. The reason for the secrecy was Eleanor's impoverished social and economic status, which was an obstacle to their love. John-Walter, succumbing to family pressures, married Lady Cecil Victoria Constance, but the secret love affair continued.

Eleanor died on 30 December 1915, going down with the SS Persia, when the ship was torpedoed off Crete by a German submarine, whilst she accompanied Lord Montagu on his journey to India, four years after she had been immortalized by her bereaved lover.


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Spirit of Ecstasy ist der Name der geflügelten Kühlerfigur, die seit 1911 den Grill eines Rolls-Royce ziert. Am 6. Februar 1911 wurde die erste Ausführung auf einen Rolls-Royce montiert, es war auch die erste aus Metall gegossene Figur, die in England serienmäßig einer Automarke mitgegeben wurde. Geistiges Vorbild mag eine Statue der Göttin Nike von Samothrake gewesen sein. Modell für die erste Figur stand dem Bildhauer Charles Robert Sykes jedoch die Sekretärin und Geliebte des britischen Adligen John Walter Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu, 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu, Miss Eleanor Velasco Thornton. Irrtümlicherweise wird die Rolls-Royce-Kühlerfigur heute oftmals „Emily“ genannt.

Lord Montagu ließ sich seinerzeit für seinen privaten Rolls-Royce eine Kühlerfigur gestalten – von eben jenem Bildhauer Charles Sykes – die der Künstler „The Whisper“ (Das Flüstern) nannte. Die Idee des Lords wurde populär und setzt sich durch.

Lord Montagu vermittelte daraufhin Sykes den Auftrag von Rolls-Royce, eine Kühlerfigur zu gestalten. Das Ergebnis ähnelte „The Whisper“ sehr, was nicht besonders erstaunt, da wiederum Eleanor Thornton Modell stand. Miss Thornton starb am 30. Dezember 1915 bei der Versenkung des britischen Passagierdampfers Persia im Mittelmeer. Lord Montagu überlebte.

Ursprünglich sollte die Figur „Spirit of Speed“ heißen, aber dieser Name erschien Rolls-Royce als unenglische Prahlerei. Daher nannte man die Kühlerfigur „Spirit of Ecstasy“.


Car Under Debris
car photo editor
Image by Editor B
How long has that car been there now?

About three months.

jaguar xj series 1998
car photo editor
Image by Monarchcreative
Photographer/ Editor: Christian Mendoza
Model: jaguar xj series 1998 (Marlene Fernandez & Adilene Garcia Solis
Props: Rodolfo Fernandez (jaguar xj series 1998 )
Location:Watsonville, CA

****For more info on the photography, visit my Facebook page and pleas leave a comment.

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