Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cool Google Maps Photo Car images

Google Maps Street View cazado!
google maps photo car
Image by andres.moreno
Hoy me he tropezado con el coche de Google Maps Street View que va sacando fotos en todas direcciones para hacer como un mapa interactivo de las ciudades. Es posible que salga en la foto!

IMG_3152 Montpellier Google Car
google maps photo car
Image by Charles Family
Google Car in Montpellier (France, Europe). StreetView intensive covering since 6 weeks is on going in the city.
This photo was taken 10th of september 2008, at the end of work day for the Google guy.
His workday was about StreetViewing the Montpellier Coeur de Ville.
After work hours, the Google Guy go to Antigone Olympic Swimming pool for some sport time...
Some Dell hardware in the trunk, with a switch... And a lot of RJ-45 Cat-5 cables from the switch to many devices, elsewhere inside the car and ouside for the 360° camera, the GPS device, ...

Google Street View Cars
google maps photo car
Image by Stuck in Customs
Google Street View Cars
After I was invited to speak at Google on HDR for their Authors@Google program, I visited another one of their buildings where I gave a little workshop. It was great fun! On the way over, I passed the fleet of Google Streetview cars. I set up for a shot in the awesome Mountain View afternoon skies.

I know there's a lot of controversy over these cars. I think it's all silly. Everyone is everywhere taking photos nowadays... whether with DSLRs, consumer cameras, or cell phones. The idea that Google can't do what everyone else is doing in an organized way just doesn't make any sense. I use Google street view all the time to help find my way around... it's a huge time-saver! And, it's super-cool on my Android phone, I must say...

From the blog at

Google Streetview Car in Germany
google maps photo car
Image by XiXiDu
This morning my dad saw a car labeled with the Google logo and mounted with various cameras and technical equipment close to his house when leaving. A few meters and seconds later he took these photos out of his car.

I wonder when this data will go online. But what strikes me most is that Google does this at all here, since I'm skeptic that they have any chance winning all those lawsuits this will provoke. There are just too many people that have problems with it for some reason. Our law isn't very liberal when it comes to privacy concerns either.

Unfortunately you can't see the Google logo since it was on the driver's side.


The Google Street View Trike
google maps photo car
Image by jonklinger

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