Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hanover: police strange parking 15.851.09

Hanover: police strange parking 15.851.09
police car photo gallery
Image by Juergen Kurlvink
Hear: ... Police Car - The Members
(I have still a suitcase in Berlin ) ... AND
see SLIDE Show: from our Newest or Unvalued ... or look ... in bigly . or . in map

☻ Ort: Seltsamer Polizeiparkplatz Ricklingen • in Hannover Region Hannover Niedersachsen Deutschland
☻ Place.: Strange parking the Police from ... Hanover Ricklingen Hanover District Lower Saxony Germany

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Während einer unserer( aus gesundh. Gründen) häufigen Fahrten gen Bad Godesberg, entdeckten wir, am Ortsausgang Ricklingens, rechts an der B65, dieses ☺hochgestapelte☺ Polizeifahrzeug. Über das wir uns seither, jedesmal aufs Neue sehr amüsieren können.
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During one of our (health reasons) frequent trips gen Bad Godesberg, We discovered, turn Ricklingens, right on the B65, this Police vehicle. About we us, each time anew very amusing.

211-365 year2 In Praise of police Constables
police car photo gallery
Image by johngarghan
Take a photo every day in 2010
The police have had a very bad press from the photographer community and this experience left me pleasantly surprised, Driving along the I noticed police cars and a small crowd outside this jewelers. I know that scenes of crime and taking photographs of police officers are a no go but my process is to go in take a shot and rely on the gift of the gab to get me out with the picture. Ad I’m taking this photo a copper shouts out to me and I thought here we go; he wanted to know what I was doing photographing a scene of crime and then said Ok but please be respectful to the people who have been involved in the robbery. I was amazed, how refreshing.

This Time Last Year
I went to the Wolverhampton Gallery and saw this great piece of artwork

First prize for longest van in the world
police car photo gallery
Image by Ed Yourdon
On a cold, gray Saturday at the end of February, I visited a photo gallery on 57th Street, and then walked home through Central Park. These are some of the pictures I took along the way...


Note: this photo was published in an undated (Dec 2009) blog titled "Best, Worst and Strangest Police Cars." It was also published in an Oct 3, 2011 blog titled "Possible 700 Wall Street protesters arrested by police entrapment."

Moving into 2012, the photo was published in a Jul 1, 2012 blog titled "NYPD labels people “professional agitators” for filming police."

Main and Townsend, Montrose, Colorado at night.
police car photo gallery
Image by CharlesCarstensen
The Alpine Photo Club met on January 13, 2012 with the program set for painting with light and night photography. After some fun indoors several brave photographers ventured to the corner of Main and Townsend, the center of downtown Montrose. A lone police car happened on the scene waiting for the stop light to change. The Canyon Gallery is in center of this picture.

Nikon D3, 20mm f/2.8 D lens, 200 ISO, 1 second, f9/5. Post processing in Aperture, PSCS5 for perspective control.

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