Sunday, March 31, 2013

Honda Civic, Guppy Edition

Honda Civic, Guppy Edition
honda civic car photo
Image by basegreen
100th Photo.

In which Zac gets an awesome new car!!!!!!!!!
honda civic car photo
Image by zpeckler
365-Day Photo Project July 5.

2006 Civic sedan... Oh my sweet Jehova this car is about a million percent better than my old car. The owe an incredible debt of gratitude to my parents for loaning me the money.

she bought another car
honda civic car photo
Image by maple's mama
She bought her first car last year.

My 2012 Honda Civic
honda civic car photo
Image by Kolin Toney
This is my 2012 Honda Civic 4-door in polished Metal Metalic (or Gray, lol)

My MacBook Pro almost died processing this photo. Therefore, this photo must be one awesome deal, just like my car. :)

my new car on panoramic view of Gormaz's castle
honda civic car photo
Image by jesuscm (on/off)
uno más en la familia

●como algún miembro de Flickr ha demostrado su interés por mi nuevo coche, aprovecho mi excursión fotográfica al castillo de Gormaz para presentarlo en sociedad. Aqui, un Honda Civic Sport 2200 I - CTDI, ...aquí unos amigos de Flickr!

●as a member of Flickr has shown interest in my new car, I take the opportunity of an photo tour of castle's Gormaz for its submission in society. Here, my 2200 Honda Civic Sport I - CTDI, here some friends of Flickr!

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