Tuesday, March 12, 2013

smarts on Lombard 2008 - 35

smarts on Lombard 2008 - 35
smart car photo
Image by KiltBear
The ground effects on this one were a bit different, plus it has a modified exhaust in back.

On Sunday, August 17, 2008 over 150 smart fortwos gathered at Fort Mason. From Fort Mason, they were guided by police to fill up Lombard Street. At that point, a photographer in a cherry picker took group photos. Later the group proceeded to Fort Point, and then on to Spinnaker's in Sausalito for a meet-and-greet. Later, a few of the folks went on a rally up to Mount Tamalpais.

smarts on Lombard 2008 - 36
smart car photo
Image by KiltBear
Air scoop...

Apparently putting in a high flow racing quality airfilter and a low pressure exhaust can make a big difference in power and fuel economy.

On Sunday, August 17, 2008 over 150 smart fortwos gathered at Fort Mason. From Fort Mason, they were guided by police to fill up Lombard Street. At that point, a photographer in a cherry picker took group photos. Later the group proceeded to Fort Point, and then on to Spinnaker's in Sausalito for a meet-and-greet. Later, a few of the folks went on a rally up to Mount Tamalpais.

smart car photo
Image by svacher

smarts on Lombard 2008 - 31
smart car photo
Image by KiltBear
iPhone having problems with pictures... again... this time stretching the veritical portrait into a horizontal aspect ration...

On Sunday, August 17, 2008 over 150 smart fortwos gathered at Fort Mason. From Fort Mason, they were guided by police to fill up Lombard Street. At that point, a photographer in a cherry picker took group photos. Later the group proceeded to Fort Point, and then on to Spinnaker's in Sausalito for a meet-and-greet. Later, a few of the folks went on a rally up to Mount Tamalpais.

smarts on Lombard 2008 - 24
smart car photo
Image by KiltBear
Every once in a while the iPhone will mosaic a series of pictures. I think it has to do with the orientation sensor screwing with things. The results are always interesting.

On Sunday, August 17, 2008 over 150 smart fortwos gathered at Fort Mason. From Fort Mason, they were guided by police to fill up Lombard Street. At that point, a photographer in a cherry picker took group photos. Later the group proceeded to Fort Point, and then on to Spinnaker's in Sausalito for a meet-and-greet. Later, a few of the folks went on a rally up to Mount Tamalpais.

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