Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mika Hakkinen's crashed Formula 1 car

Mika Hakkinen's crashed Formula 1 car
car crash photo
Image by bigpresh
The McLaren-Mercedes MP4/14 Formula 1 car which Mika Hakkinen crashed during the 25th lap of the 1999 German Grand Prix. Apparently he crashed at around 200mph, it's remarkable how little damage the car sustained.

Somewhat poor quality I'm afraid; for some reason, you weren't allowed to take photos of it, so I was being subtle; had to make creative use of the color curves tool to lighten the car up a bit without lightening the already over-saturated floor, but you can't create detail that isn't there :)

car crash photo
Image by Jared Zimmerman
no so bad compaired to what it did to my car...

News photo
car crash photo
Image by Mark Sardella
My car crash photo appeared in the next day's Wakefield Daily Item.

Tenuous Link: news

car crash photo
Image by DJ Lein
This head-on collision happened about 5 seconds before I got to the intersection. We could still see the smoke from the airbag deployment. People were hurt, but not seriously.

Day 47 of my Photo-A-Day project.

Coral's Crash
car crash photo
Image by trp0
Here's my sister's boyfriend's car from the accident. That big huge crunched-in part is pretty much where Coral was sitting. Luckily, all she ended up suffering was a fractured femur, bruised ribs, and a bunch of cuts and such. Sooooo lucky it wasn't worse.

He lost control on a country road. The car rolled, flipped up into the air, and hit a telephone pole.

The car is/was being used for educational/deterent value for a while. The trailer with the car was parked in front of the local junior/senior high school or a while.

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