Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nice Electric Car Photo photos

ZAP Xebra Electric Car
electric car photo
Image by Scott Beale
More Info: Macworld 2008 Photos From The Expo Floor

This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons license. If you use this photo within the terms of the license or make special arrangements to use the photo, please list the photo credit as "Scott Beale / Laughing Squid" and link the credit to

ZAP Xebra Electric Car
electric car photo
Image by Scott Beale
More Info: Macworld 2008 Photos From The Expo Floor

This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons license. If you use this photo within the terms of the license or make special arrangements to use the photo, please list the photo credit as "Scott Beale / Laughing Squid" and link the credit to

Electric Car Club
electric car photo
Image by KOMUnews
MU Electric Car Club President Stuart Lloyd-Smith talks to club members at a meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 2010. The group is working on converting a donated Ford Explorer into an electric-powered vehicle. KOMU Photo/Eva Dou

electric car photo
Image by photographxgrl
An electric car charging station in downtown Holland. The first I've seen in person. Very cool. That's a Chevy volt charging in the photo.

(shot with my iPhone)

Vintage Electric Car
electric car photo
Image by waltarrrrr

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