Friday, March 8, 2013

World Travel

World Travel
world best car photo
Image by locket479
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Part of my self introduction--its the best way I could think of to get the world "travel" across to my Japanese students. Thanks to these flickr folks whose awesome photos I borrowed:
1. yellow car, 2. train and sky, 3. Boeing 777, 4. Vacation photo Indian Ocean-View Large version and of course thanks to FD and his flickr toys!

Vaffa Day - 8 settembre 2007
world best car photo
Image by ! . © Angela Lobefaro . !
Published on 8th September 2007!!

On September 8th there will be in ITALY a big PROTEST against our politicians
in this shot (on a BLUE CAR, ) I have put the Logo of the protest.
THIS CAR you see in this picture is one of the almost 600,000 free of charge cars of our politician and public administrators (politicians with driver of course)

In USA these cars are 73,000; in France 65,000; in UK 58,000; in Germany 54,000; in Turkey 51,000; in Spain 44,000; in Japan 35,000; in Greece 34,000; in Portugal 23.000
In ITALY almost 600,000 !!!!! 600,000 BLUE CARS in Italy exactly 574.215 (we call them "blue cars", as here these institution cars are mostly in blue colour )

And these cars are ONLY an example of the incredible waste of public money
Dal blog di Beppe Grillo:
Auto Blu: il leasing del peculato

“I Presidenti della giunta e del Consiglio Regionale, per le alte funzioni svolte, hanno diritto ad usufruire dell’abbonamento, dell’autista e dell’auto di servizio anche per i cinque anni immediatamente successivi alla cessazione delle funzioni”.

Sembra inventata.

Invece è vera: la Regione Puglia ha varato questa disposizione poco prima che i suoi due presidenti, Raffele Fitto di Forza Italia e Mario De Cristofaro di AN, perdessero le elezioni.

A Roma uomini del partito dell’ex presidente della provincia di Messina (Giuseppe Buzzanca, AN) stanno tenacemente cercando di cambiare le leggi nazionali, per evitargli la galera per peculato d’uso a cui fu condannato per avere usato l’auto di servizio per andare in viaggio di nozze.

Ora è un Sindaco sospeso; le sue funzioni sono svolte da un funzionario che parte due volte alla settimana da Pordenone per svolgere le attività di Sindaco.

Non è la prima legge concepita così: per risparmiare la meritata galera a qualche componente del proprio partito si fa una legge nazionale che risparmia la galera a centinaia di delinquenti politici e non politici, passati e futuri.

L’azione salvabuzzanca ha già implicato riunioni, votazioni, viaggi, corsi e ricorsi in Corte costituzionale e Cassazione richiedendo migliaia di costose ore di lavoro di centinaia di persone pagate dai contribuenti.

Propongo che in questi casi lo Stato paghi direttamente il viaggio di nozze, la dote e le fedi nuziali al governante che si sposa.

Costerà sempre meno che seguire l’iter legislativo salvatizio o salvasempronio.

dal blog di Beppe Grillo

L'8 settembre sarà il giorno del Vaffanculo day, o V-Day. Una via di mezzo tra il D-Day dello sbarco in Normandia e V come Vendetta. Si terrà sabato otto settembre nelle piazze d’Italia, per ricordare che dal 1943 non è cambiato niente. Ieri il re in fuga e la Nazione allo sbando, oggi politici blindati nei palazzi immersi in problemi “culturali”. Il V-Day sarà un giorno di informazione e di partecipazione popolare.
Beppe Grillo




1912 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost
world best car photo
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost refers both to a car model and to one specific car from that series.

Originally named the "40/50 h.p." the chassis was originally produced at Royce's Manchester works, before moving to Derby in July 1908 and also, between 1921 and 1926, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Chassis no. 60551, registered AX 201, was the car that was originally given the name "Silver Ghost." Other 40/50 hp cars were also given names but the Silver Ghost title was taken up by the press and soon all 40/50s were called by the name, a fact not officially recognised by Rolls-Royce until 1925 when the Phantom range was launched.

The Silver Ghost was the origin of Rolls-Royce's claim of making the "Best car in the world" – a phrase coined not by themselves, but by the prestigious publication Autocar in 1907.

The chassis and engine were also used as the basis of a range of Rolls-Royce Armoured Cars.


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Das unter der Bezeichnung Rolls-Royce 40/50 hp entwickelte Automobil wurde von 1906 bis 1925 produziert und durch die Phantom-Reihe abgelöst. 1913/1914, nach dem Gewinn eines entsprechenden Wettbewerbes, wurde auch ein Modell mit dem Namen Rolls-Royce Alpine Eagle gefertigt, dessen Motor einen geringfügig größereren Hubraum (121 mm Hub anstatt 120 mm), aber eine geringere Leistung (55 bhp (40 kW) anstatt 65 bhp (48 kW)) hatte.

Vor dem ersten Weltkrieg war der Silver Ghost eines der technisch fortschrittlichsten Autos der Welt, was ihm den Ruf als bestes Auto der Welt einbrachte. Während des Krieges erfolgte keine Weiterentwicklung und der Rückstand auf andere zeitgenössische Konstruktionen wuchs. Schließlich erfolgte 1925 der Ersatz durch den Rolls-Royce Phantom I. 1906 wurde auch von einem britischen Automobiljournalisten erstmals die Wortschöpfung der Waftability diesem Fahrzeug zugeschrieben. Diese Wortschöpfung von damals prägt die Rolls-Royce-Fahrzeuge bis heute als Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Modelle vom Typ Silver Ghost hatten unter anderem in folgenden Filmen Auftritte: Lichter der Großstadt (1931), Rebecca (1940), Citizen Kane (1941), Giganten (1956), Lawrence von Arabien (1962), Die tollkühnen Männer in ihren fliegenden Kisten (1965) und Frankenstein Junior (1974).


1912 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost
world best car photo
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost refers both to a car model and to one specific car from that series.

Originally named the "40/50 h.p." the chassis was originally produced at Royce's Manchester works, before moving to Derby in July 1908 and also, between 1921 and 1926, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Chassis no. 60551, registered AX 201, was the car that was originally given the name "Silver Ghost." Other 40/50 hp cars were also given names but the Silver Ghost title was taken up by the press and soon all 40/50s were called by the name, a fact not officially recognised by Rolls-Royce until 1925 when the Phantom range was launched.

The Silver Ghost was the origin of Rolls-Royce's claim of making the "Best car in the world" – a phrase coined not by themselves, but by the prestigious publication Autocar in 1907.

The chassis and engine were also used as the basis of a range of Rolls-Royce Armoured Cars.


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Das unter der Bezeichnung Rolls-Royce 40/50 hp entwickelte Automobil wurde von 1906 bis 1925 produziert und durch die Phantom-Reihe abgelöst. 1913/1914, nach dem Gewinn eines entsprechenden Wettbewerbes, wurde auch ein Modell mit dem Namen Rolls-Royce Alpine Eagle gefertigt, dessen Motor einen geringfügig größereren Hubraum (121 mm Hub anstatt 120 mm), aber eine geringere Leistung (55 bhp (40 kW) anstatt 65 bhp (48 kW)) hatte.

Vor dem ersten Weltkrieg war der Silver Ghost eines der technisch fortschrittlichsten Autos der Welt, was ihm den Ruf als bestes Auto der Welt einbrachte. Während des Krieges erfolgte keine Weiterentwicklung und der Rückstand auf andere zeitgenössische Konstruktionen wuchs. Schließlich erfolgte 1925 der Ersatz durch den Rolls-Royce Phantom I. 1906 wurde auch von einem britischen Automobiljournalisten erstmals die Wortschöpfung der Waftability diesem Fahrzeug zugeschrieben. Diese Wortschöpfung von damals prägt die Rolls-Royce-Fahrzeuge bis heute als Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Modelle vom Typ Silver Ghost hatten unter anderem in folgenden Filmen Auftritte: Lichter der Großstadt (1931), Rebecca (1940), Citizen Kane (1941), Giganten (1956), Lawrence von Arabien (1962), Die tollkühnen Männer in ihren fliegenden Kisten (1965) und Frankenstein Junior (1974).


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