Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2008 Chrysler 300 C SRT8 Hardcore (01)

2008 Chrysler 300 C SRT8 Hardcore (01)
obama car photo
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
The Chrysler 300 is a full-size upscale car first shown at the 2003 New York Auto Show as a concept car. Sales in the U.S. began in the spring of 2004 as an early 2005 model year car. Designed by Ralph Gilles, the new 300 was built as a high-end sedan while the SRT-8 model was designed to be the high-performance version. The Chrysler 300 is also marketed in Australia, as the first full-size Chrysler vehicle sold there since the Valiant was discontinued in 1981. The car will be sold in Europe as the Lancia Thema beginning in October 2011. However, it will remain branded as the Chrysler 300 in the UK and Ireland only.


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Der Chrysler 300 ist ein seit 2004 von Chrysler gebautes Pkw-Modell der oberen Mittelklasse. Die zweite Generation ab 2011 wird im Zuge der Zusammenlegung von Chrysler und Lancia in Europa als Lancia Thema angeboten.
Basismodell in den USA: 300
Blick in den Motorraum eines CRD

Vorgestellt wurde die Limousine erstmals 2003 auf der New York Auto Show als Konzeptfahrzeug und im Frühjahr 2004 als Serienversion für das Modelljahr 2005. Der Chrysler 300 wird für die Märkte außerhalb Nordamerikas bei Magna Steyr in Graz gefertigt.

Der Chrysler 300 hat im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger Hinterradantrieb und bietet ein mit dem Vorgänger Chrysler 300M vergleichbares Maß an Luxus zu einem günstigeren Preis. Der 300 wird in Europa ab der Ausstattungslinie 300C angeboten, das Basismodell 300 ist nicht verfügbar.

In den USA wurde statt dem in Europa erhältlichen 300C Touring ein ähnliches Modell unter dem Namen Dodge Magnum angeboten. Beide teilen sich die LX-Plattform von Chrysler, welche Komponenten der Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse (Baureihe 210) enthält und auch als Plattform des Dodge Chargers fungiert. Maßgeblich übernommene Teile sind neben dem Fahrwerk die vorderen Sitzkonsolen, der Kabelbaum, die Lenksäule, die Fünf-Stufen-Automatik und ein vom 4MATIC-System abgeleiteter Allradantrieb.

Von 2004 bis zu seiner Wahl als Präsident der USA fuhr Barack Obama einen 300C.


Presidential Obama
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Image by jurvetson
Is it wrong to long for a cool President?

From lunches I have had with Republican contenders, Obama is the one they worry about.

(More photos from my Obama meetings)

Quotes from his talk at John Thompson’s (Symantec) house tonight:

“People are hungry for a different politics, a different language. People are hungry for some leadership in Washington.

To many, politics appears to be a business, not a mission. America is waking up out of a long slumber. I’m seeing a sense of optimism - of hope rather than fear.

We’ve got a war that was never authorized and never should have been waged.

Green tech is important. If our cars can get 40-45 MPG, then we will need zero Middle East oil imports. What’s lacking is not technical. What’s lacking is a sense of political will.

Ending the war can help. We are spending 5 million per day in a war that is making us less safe.

The world is waiting for us to say ‘we’re back and we want to work with you'.

While we are at it, we can close Guantanamo and restore habeus corpus because that’s how we lead. The strength of our diplomacy has to be matched by the power of our ideals.

On the day I’m inaugurated, the people in our country will look at our selves differently, and people in other countries will look at our country differently.

Q&A: The first question was on his qualifications and experience:

“Look, I’ve been on the national scene for two years. People in Washington think nothing outside Washington counts. I’m applying for the most powerful job on Earth, and in case you didn’t notice I’m a 45 year old black guy. So there are some hurdles to be overcome. Experience is a proxy for judgment. Sometimes the experienced have bad judgment. No one has a better resume than Dick Cheney. At every stage there are a set of hurdles. I like clearing hurdles.”

The second question was a hard-hitting environmental question from Steve Kirsch (Infoseek) on coal-to-liquid:

“We are the Saudi Arabia of coal. If we could get coal to work without climate change or to at least be neutral with gas, then it would help us with energy independence. We are not going to eliminate coal from the menu of energy options, and China certainly won’t with one new coal plant coming on line per week.

The third question was about his views on religion and the separation of church & state:

“Faith is a powerful force in our society, often for good. Social movements – from abolition to the civil rights movement – were based in religion. The wisdom of our Founders is that we are not a theocracy. Here are things to guard against: the capture of of our government by a particular religion. For example, there is a good reason for having no prayer in school. Whatever convictions we have are translated into universal principles subject to reasoned argument. If you say you are opposed to abortion because of religion, that is a conversation stopper. If you can’t reason then democracy breaks down. It becomes a matter of force - whose will shall prevail? There is nothing wrong with a religious argument as long as it does not trump reason in our democracy.

(Photo by Steve Westly, former California State Controller and contender for Governor)

A Safe Place....
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Image by Glyn Lowe Photoworks
Police waiting for President Obama on P St Dupont Circle - Washington DC.

More At:

Obama in Albuquerque 1
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Image by Rubink1
Parked the car and got a photo of the glam pirate since I didn't get any shots of her at the Halloween Carnival in Eldorado.

Car Georgia 300 int 16
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Image by Train Chartering & Private Rail Cars
President Obama used the private rail car Georgia 300 on his way to Washingrton DC. The railcar was attached to the rear of an Amtrak train.
The Georgia 300 may be hired from Private Rail Cars or from Train Chartering
Photo from Tony Bucca

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