Monday, April 15, 2013

Cool Alto Car Photo images

Taking delivery of the first Model S
alto car photo
Image by jurvetson
With co-founder J.B. Straubel, who gave me the keys and let me drive out of the Tesla HQ.

Here is the video... and it was such an incredible experience, driving out through the proud employee ranks, all shooting photos and cheering…

Russian made?
alto car photo
Image by toastforbrekkie
Taken with Lorenia's camera. See her Peru and Bolivia photos here:

FYI: Firefox does not show the color and contrast edits for this photo. For the full effect, please view in Safari, Explorer, Chrome, or any browser but Firefox.

alto car photo
Image by xavi talleda

alto car photo
Image by Mark Nye
Here's my first upload of a photograph taken with my new Olympus XA. This was shot on Arista 400 film, stand developed in Rodinal for 1 hour, and scanned using a CanoScan 8400F. I'm having some problems with waterspots on my negatives, which hopefully I can straighten out in the next pass. If anyone has good tips for avoiding this problem, please share!

Guardroom overlooking / Vistas del cuerpo de guardia
alto car photo
Image by . SantiMB .
Morella, Castelló (Spain).

View Large On White

The castle of Morella (Province of Castellón, Spain), constructed at the top of the town on the “Mola” taking advantage of the rock, is a fortification of 13th century of Islamic architecture with later reforms of medieval architecture. It consists of the square of arms (1,070 ms), the palace of the governor, the Rain tank, the tower of the Pardalea, retreats to the flight by where entered the Carlistas in 1838, prison of Cacho, rest of real palaces, towers of Tribute, and official pavilions, by where are passed different forms from civilization and cultures.

In the area of the castle they have appeared prehistoric rest, Iberian and Roman. After it reconquers it began the present walls and the dependencies that already existed were qualified for the Christian kings.

The castle is divided in three levels: a first level located in the lower part of the rock in which there is the entrance and the Palace of the Governor. In the second level the artillery batteries were located. And in the third level would be the castle itself. The lower part this surrounded by walls and towers, of which they are the majority semicircular, that arises from the west part in zigzag form.

The castle, in the upper part, underwent modifications in the war of Succession and during the carlistas wars, being bombed the celoquia tower in 1813. To this more elevated zone it is acceded through stairs, that had 90 steps of which 54 are conserved, that leads to a door that takes step to the square by a passage that ends at the square of arms.

In center of the same one is a rain tank of Roman time, on which there are a sentry box of 19th century and the rest of a guardhouse. In the South part are the rest of a construction composed by semibasement that communicated with the celoquia tower.

To the Southeast is the celoquia tower, that it was the Christian tower of the tribute. It was reformed in 13th century, according to documents of 18th century it has three plants, with vault the ground floor and first, with outer cover to four waters. It did not have stairs, and the interior communication was made by the adjacent buildings. It had in its cellar the chapel of Santa Barbara and Santa Magdalena until 18th century, then become a jail.


El castillo de Morella (Provincia de Castellón, España), construido en lo alto de la población sobre la "Mola" aprovechando la roca, es una fortificación del siglo XIII de arquitectura islámica con reformas posteriores de arquitectura medieval. Consta de la plaza de armas (1.070 m), el palacio del gobernador, el Aljibe, la torre de la Pardalea, retretas al vuelo por donde entraron en 1838 los Carlistas, prisión de Cacho, restos de palacios reales, torres de Homenaje, y pabellones oficiales, por donde han pasado diferentes formas de civilización y culturas.

En el área del castillo han aparecido restos prehistóricos, ibéricos y romanos. Tras la reconquista se iniciaron las actuales murallas y las dependencias que ya existían fueron habilitadas para los reyes cristianos.

El castillo se divide en tres niveles: un primer nivel situado en la parte inferior del peñón en el que se encuentras la entrada y el Palacio del Gobernador. En el segundo nivel se situaban las baterías de artillería. Y en el tercer nivel se encontraría el castillo propiamente dicho. La parte inferior esta rodeada de murallas y torres, de las cuales son la mayoría semicirculares, que surgen de la parte oeste en forma de zigzag.

El castillo, en la parte superior, sufrió modificaciones en la guerra de Sucesión y durante las guerras carlistas, siendo bombardeada la torre celoquia en 1813. A esta zona más elevada se accede a través de una escalera, que tenía 90 peldaños de los que se conservan 54, que conduce a una puerta que da paso a la plaza por un pasadizo que desemboca en la plaza de armas.

En el centro de la misma se encuentra un aljibe de época romana, sobre el que hay una garita del siglo XIX y los restos de un cuerpo de guardia. En la parte sur se encuentran los restos de una edificación compuesta por semisótano que se comunicaba con la torre celoquia.

Al sudeste se encuentra la torre celoquia, que fue la torre del homenaje cristiana. Fue reformada en el siglo XIII, según documentos del siglo XVIII tenia tres plantas, con bóveda la planta baja y la primera, con cubierta exterior a cuatro aguas. No tenía escalera, y la comunicación interior se realizaba por los edificios colindantes. Tuvo en su sótano la capilla de Santa Bárbara y Santa Magdalena hasta el siglo XVIII, luego paso a ser un calabozo.


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