Monday, April 15, 2013

Nice Car Town Photo Album photos

Tagged :)
car town photo album
Image by Images by John 'K'
OK, so I've been tagged. I was going to ignore it, but I've decided to play!
I'm supposed to tell you all 16 random things about me, so here goes...
1) I used to play rugby until a bad tackle damaged my knee and I was told to quit
2) I became a granddad before I hit 40
3) I learned to ride a motorcycle long before I learned to drive a car
4) I didn't own a car until I was 41
5) I was a member of a Russian balalaika orchestra at school
6) While in the orchestra we appeared on national TV in the UK
7) While in the orchestra we produced an album
8) My Russian teacher and orchestra leader was called Mr Orloff. In the town we now live in (in California) there is a park named Orloff Park
9) My favorite color is red
10) I have a replica of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701D) name plaque signed by Jonathan Frakes
11) In one year I flew between London Heathrow and San Francisco 10 times for my job
12) I am allergic to penicillin
13) My favorite fruit is the strawberry
14) Although I've been to France 5 times, the first time I ate frogs legs was in California
15) I drank vodka in Moscow at the age of 14 on a school trip
16) I've never broken a bone in my body (chipped a few, but never broke any)

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